Injury Management


  • This procedure has been developed to ensure Shineline meets its WorkSafe and occupational rehabilitation obligations. This includes effective injury management, occupational rehabilitation.


  • This procedure is to be followed in the event of any injury or illness sustained whilst at work. It outlines the steps to be taken from the time the incident occurs until the employee is successfully returned to pre injury duties, an alternative suitable permanent position or other employment opportunities are agreed upon.


  • Lost-time injuries/diseases (LTI) – occurrences that resulted in a fatality, permanent disability or time lost from work of one day/shift or more.
  • First Aid Injury (FAI) – a single first aid treatment and a follow-up visit for subsequent observation involving only minor injuries (minor scratches, burns, cuts and so forth) which do not ordinarily require medical care and where the employee return immediately to their normal activities.
  • Medical Treatment Injury (MTI) – A medical treatment injury or disease that resulted in a level of treatment given by a physician or other medical personnel under standing orders of a physician, such as prescription medication, sutures or a positive x-ray diagnosis of a fracture.
  • Near misses – any unplanned incidents that occurred at work which, although not resulting in any injury or disease, had the potential to do so.
  • Special Cases Treatment – Occurrences of injury or disease which meet the definitions, but for which the workers’ compensation claim was rejected. They should not be used in the calculation of measurement rates or other indicators of performance.
  • Cases of recurring injury or disease should not counted as a separate occurrence unless there was a separate identifiable incident associated with the recurrence.

1. First aid

In the event of an injury or illness at work, the casualty should be attended to by a qualified first aider. The first aider will provide treatment and determine if further medical advice should be sought.

2. Medical treatment

If further medical treatment is deemed as required, the first aider shall request an ambulance or taxi, depending on severity of illness or injury. Whenever possible, the first aider or manager/site coordinator should accompany the injured or ill employee.

  • In case of severe injury or illness, employees should be directed to the emergency department of the nearest public hospital or medical centre. Employees with work related injuries or illness or with private health insurance may choose to go to a private hospital or doctor. However, if the illness or injury is deemed non-work related, medical expenses will be borne by the employee.
  • The site supervisor/operational manager is responsible for notifying the employee’s next of kin. The directors will notify WorkSafe, if required.
  • All work injury details are to be recorded in the official ‘Register of Injuries’ by the site supervisor within 24 hours.
  • The Injury/illness Register contained information required by WorkSafe and is to be kept in a confidential manner. Notification of injury is acknowledged in writing and issued to the injured employee as soon as possible following the incident.

3. Lost time injuries

  • If an employee can return to preinjury duties within 4 weeks of becoming unable to perform his/her normal duties, he or she will be offered the previous or similar position.

  • Shineline may require the injured/ill employee to attend an independent medical assessment no more than once every three months, throughout the occupational rehabilitation process.

  • Shineline work Safe Agent, Gallagher Bassett (GB) may require injured employees who lodge a claim, to attend medical assessments and participate in a rehabilitation program by a WorkSafe-approved provider. The employee may choose his/her own treating practitioner and rehabilitation provider.

4. Return to work

  • When medical advice is received which indicates an employee has a capacity to work, suitable duties, wherever possible, will be identified and a formal Return to Work Offer made to the employee.
  • It is the role of the site supervisor to assist injured employees to remain at or return to work as soon as possible, monitor progress and take steps to prevent recurrence or aggravation if the injury/illness condition.
  • If there is any deterioration in an employee’s injury/illness condition or work capacity, the employee should notify their site supervisor/ operations manager immediately and cease work to seek medical advice. The shineline will contact the employee and treating practitioner as soon as possible.
  • If there is no improvement in the employee’s condition and work capacity within three months, the return-to-work program should be reviewed in consultation with the employee, treating doctor, site supervisor/operations Manager, and the RTWC.
  • A revised return to work program may be commenced with the agreement of all parties, within medical restrictions outlined by the treating practitioner.
  • In the event of a dispute regarding any aspect of the occupational rehabilitation process, advice may be sought by the employee or Shineline, from Gallagher Bassett or via the WorkSafe Advisory Service. If the dispute is unable to be resolved, a request for Conciliation (ACCS) may be made. This service is independent and at no additional cost to the employee or Shineline.

5. Framework


  • Workplace Injury Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 2013
  • The Victorian Occupational Health & Safety Act 2004
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