This policy should be read in conjunction with the Shineline Occupational Health & Safety Policy.
1. Policy Statement
- Shineline acknowledges its legislative and compliance obligations relating to manual handling as outlined in the Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004, Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 2017 and associated documents.
- Shineline’s Minimal Lift policy promotes safe manual handling practices in an environment that maximises the independence and potential of the person , whilst providing a workplace that is safe and without risks to health.
- Shineline promotes the use of safe systems of work that minimises risk for all people involved, through ensuring minimal force or exertion of the body or awkward and / or potentially dangerous postures are undertaken.
- To achieve this, Shineline, in consultation with clients and relevant support staff, will:
- Identify hazardous manual handling tasks undertaken by employees, eliminating or reducing hazardous manual handling so far as is reasonably practicable;
- Undertake manual handling risk assessments.
Provide staff induction; training; supervision and coaching of safe work
practices. - Ensure appropriate and correct use of relevant mechanical aids in all work environments.
- Maintain safe work environments
- There is an expectation that employees observe safe manual handling practices and carry out manual handling tasks as directed.
- This policy will be reviewed in two years from the effective date.
2. Related documents
2.1 Internal
- OHS Policy
- Manual Handling Procedure Manual
- Handling Risk Assessment
3. Resources
3.1 Internal
- Manual Handling Safe Work Practices